Ryan Kolden is a Financial Planner and founder of Kolden Wealth. Kolden Wealth is a full service financial consulting firm dedicated to assisting successful business owners, entrepreneurs, & professionals in developing academically sound decisions regarding their wealth.

Mr. Kolden and his team of specialists help clients in the areas of cash flow, strategic tax planning, estate preservation, and investment positioning. Ryan and his team work with their clients’ existing tax and legal advisors (CPAs, Attorneys, etc.) in a coordinated effort to optimize the clients’ financial picture & help them create their own virtual family office.

Prior to founding Kolden Wealth, Ryan served in the US Navy as a Nuclear Engineer & Submarine Officer. Ryan is working on completing his certified financial professional and charted financial analyst designations.

Ryan earned a double major in economics & political science from the United States Naval Academy, where he also played ice hockey. Upon graduation, Ryan commissioned into the US Navy as an officer and completed the Navy's Advanced Nuclear Power Course.

Ryan is committed to offer his clients optimal solutions with ethics and integrity.

Ryan lives in San Diego, CA. In his free time, Ryan enjoys surfing, snowboarding, jiu jitsu, and spending time with his family. Ryan also hosts a weekly podcast called "Alternative Wealth" where he discusses money, business, macro-economics, and other topics.

Education & Experience

  • United States Naval Academy, B.S. Economics, 2015

  • Nuclear Power School, Advanced Naval Nuclear Engineering, 2016

  • United States Navy, Nuclear Engineer & Submarine Officer - 9 years

  • Currently completing his Masters in Quantitative Finance

Services Provided

  • Business Planning, Coaching & Strategies- Business Succession, Executive Compensation, Benefits, Wealth Transition Designs

  • Identifying and clarifying Vision, Values, Goals and Missions for Clients

  • Comprehensive Wealth and Financial Planning Designs

  • Estate Planning and Tax Reduction Strategies

  • Family Governance and Succession

  • Virtual Family Office Creation


  • Investment Advisor Representative (IAR)

  • Securities Licenses: FINRA Series 65

  • Insurance Licenses: Life, Health & Disability

  • Currently completing his certified financial planner & chartered financial analyst designations

Ryan R. kolden

Ryan Kolden is a Financial Planner and founder of Kolden Wealth. Kolden Wealth is a full service financial consulting firm dedicated to assisting successful business owners, entrepreneurs, & professionals in developing academically sound decisions regarding their wealth.

Mr. Kolden and his team of specialists help clients in the areas of cash flow, strategic tax planning, estate preservation, and investment positioning. Ryan and his team work with their clients’ existing tax and legal advisors (CPAs, Attorneys, etc.) in a coordinated effort to optimize the clients’ financial picture & help them create their own virtual family office.

Prior to founding Kolden Wealth, Ryan served in the US Navy as a Nuclear Engineer & Submarine Officer. Ryan is working on completing his certified financial professional and charted financial analyst designations.

Ryan earned a double major in economics & political science from the United States Naval Academy, where he also played ice hockey. Upon graduation, Ryan commissioned into the US Navy as an officer and completed the Navy's Advanced Nuclear Power Course.

Ryan is committed to offer his clients optimal solutions with ethics and integrity.

Ryan lives in San Diego, CA. In his free time, Ryan enjoys surfing, snowboarding, jiu jitsu, and spending time with his family. Ryan also hosts a weekly podcast called "Alternative Wealth" where he discusses money, business, macro-economics, and other topics.

Education & Experience

  • United States Naval Academy, B.S. Economics, 2015

  • Nuclear Power School, Advanced Naval Nuclear Engineering, 2016

  • United States Navy, Nuclear Engineer & Submarine Officer - 9 years

  • Currently completing his Masters in Quantitative Finance

Services Provided

  • Business Planning, Coaching & Strategies- Business Succession, Executive Compensation, Benefits, Wealth Transition Designs

  • Identifying and clarifying Vision, Values, Goals and Missions for Clients

  • Comprehensive Wealth and Financial Planning Designs

  • Estate Planning and Tax Reduction Strategies

  • Family Governance and Succession

  • Virtual Family Office Creation

Education & Experience

  • Investment Advisor Representative (IAR)

  • Securities Licenses: FINRA Series 65

  • Insurance Licenses: Life, Health & Disability

  • Currently completing his certified financial planner & chartered financial analyst designations

Kolden Wealth, LLC is an Investment Advisor Representative of RPg Family Wealth Advisory, LLC, providing virtual investment advisory and financial planning services to clients nationwide. RPg Family Wealth Advisory, LLC ("FWA") is a registered investment advisor with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Registration does not imply a certain level of skill, or training. No content contained herein should be construed as a direct or indirect offer of investment advisory services from Kolden Wealth. The planning information and concepts provided are general in nature, are provided for educational and informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal, tax, or investment advice. No person should assume that the publication of any of this material serves as the receipt of, or a substitute for, personalized advice from Kolden Wealth, or from any other investment professional. Individuals should not use the content herein as the sole basis for any investment, planning, tax, legal or other decisions. Rather, a professional adviser should be consulted, and independent due diligence should be conducted before implementing any of the options referenced herein. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the individual as of the date of publication and are subject to change. All planning and investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss, and different planning strategies, investments, and types of investments involve varying degrees of risk. There can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific plan, investment, or investment strategy, including those discussed herein, will be profitable or equal any historical or anticipated performance level. Past performance does not guarantee future results.