We help Highly Compensated Individuals & Business Owners Reduce Their Tax Liability

We help business owners, highly compensated professionals, and their families minimize their tax bill and pay only what they legally owe by focusing on the following main areas:

  • Changes to Tax Legislation

  • Entity Structuring & Administration

  • Tax Withholding Analysis

  • Federal, State & Local Tax Liabilities

Who this is for

If you are a business owner, entrepreneur, or highly compensated professional with a tax liability of $100,000 or more per year, then there is a good change you might have some of these challenges:

  • You feel like you are overpaying each year in taxes, but don't know if there are methods to legally reduce your tax bill.

  • You have a traditional retirement plan in place, but are severely limited in the amount you can contribute.

  • You've tried other accountants, financial consultants, and fractional CFO's and while they "do stuff", you can't lower your tax liability any further.

  • You are getting ready to sell your business, property, or any other highly appreciated or depreciated asset, but are not sure what your options are to reduce your tax liability on your transaction.

How it works

Having a higher income & net worth requires a different approach to traditional tax planning. The correct tax strategy can have an enormous, positive impact on your wealth.

We will conduct a thorough audit of your circumstances, review filed tax returns and coordinate with you, your accountant, and the rest of your team (banker, tax attorney, estate attorney, etc) to minimize your tax bill. If you do not have a team, we can help you create one.

We help individuals and businesses reduce their tax liability by implementing the following strategies:

  • Highly Appreciated & Depreciated Asset Sale Strategies

  • Entity & Estate Structuring

  • Philanthropy

  • Depreciation Strategies

  • Tax Deferral Structures

  • Tax Loss Harvesting

  • Alternative Investments

  • Investment Tax Credits

How to learn more

If you are a business owner, entrepreneur, or highly compensated professional with a tax liability of $100,000 or more per year, and you want some help to increase your cash flow, decrease your tax liability, and or create a tax-efficient exit, then schedule a free discovery call with our team.

Schedule a call using the calendar below and we can get to know one another - your business, your situation, your goals and see if working with each other would be a good fit.

Disclaimer: Neither our company nor any of its employees are authorized to give legal or tax advice. Consult your own personal attorney legal or tax counsel for advice on specific legal and tax matters.

We help Highly Compensated Individuals & Business Owners Reduce Their Tax Liability

We help business owners, highly compensated professionals, and their families minimize their tax bill and pay only what they legally owe by focusing on the following main areas:

  • Changes to Tax Legislation

  • Entity Structuring & Administration

  • Tax Withholding Analysis

  • Federal, State & Local Tax Liabilities

Who this is for

If you are a business owner, entrepreneur, or highly compensated professional with a tax liability of $100,000 or more per year, then there is a good change you might have some of these challenges:

  • You feel like you are overpaying each year in taxes, but don't know if there are methods to legally reduce your tax bill.

  • You have a traditional retirement plan in place, but are severely limited in the amount you can contribute.

  • You've tried other accountants, financial consultants, and fractional CFO's and while they "do stuff", you can't lower your tax liability any further.

  • You are getting ready to sell your business, property, or any other highly appreciated or depreciated asset, but are not sure what your options are to reduce your tax liability on your transaction.

How it works

Having a higher income & net worth requires a different approach to traditional tax planning. The correct tax strategy can have an enormous, positive impact on your wealth.

We will conduct a thorough audit of your circumstances, review filed tax returns and coordinate with you, your accountant, and the rest of your team (banker, tax attorney, estate attorney, etc) to minimize your tax bill. If you do not have a team, we can help you create one.

We help individuals and businesses reduce their tax liability by implementing the following strategies:

  • Highly Appreciated & Depreciated Asset Sale Strategies

  • Entity & Estate Structuring

  • Philanthropy

  • Depreciation Strategies

  • Tax Deferral Structures

  • Tax Loss Harvesting

  • Alternative Investments

  • Investment Tax Credits

How to learn more

If you are a business owner, entrepreneur, or highly compensated professional with a tax liability of $100,000 or more per year, and you want some help to increase your cash flow, decrease your tax liability, and or create a tax-efficient exit, then schedule a free discovery call with our team.

Schedule a call using the calendar below and we can get to know one another - your business, your situation, your goals and see if working with each other would be a good fit.

Disclaimer: Neither our company nor any of its employees are authorized to give legal or tax advice. Consult your own personal attorney legal or tax counsel for advice on specific legal and tax matters.

Kolden Wealth, LLC is an Investment Advisor Representative of RPg Family Wealth Advisory, LLC, providing virtual investment advisory and financial planning services to clients nationwide. RPg Family Wealth Advisory, LLC ("FWA") is a registered investment advisor with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Registration does not imply a certain level of skill, or training. No content contained herein should be construed as a direct or indirect offer of investment advisory services from Kolden Wealth. The planning information and concepts provided are general in nature, are provided for educational and informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal, tax, or investment advice. No person should assume that the publication of any of this material serves as the receipt of, or a substitute for, personalized advice from Kolden Wealth, or from any other investment professional. Individuals should not use the content herein as the sole basis for any investment, planning, tax, legal or other decisions. Rather, a professional adviser should be consulted, and independent due diligence should be conducted before implementing any of the options referenced herein. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the individual as of the date of publication and are subject to change. All planning and investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss, and different planning strategies, investments, and types of investments involve varying degrees of risk. There can be no assurance that the future performance of any specific plan, investment, or investment strategy, including those discussed herein, will be profitable or equal any historical or anticipated performance level. Past performance does not guarantee future results.